I am primarily interested in algebraic number theory and arithmetic statistics. In particular, I am interested in studying the shapes of number fields, unit lattices, and in the asymptotics of number fields. If you are interested in hearing more about these projects, or talking about other projects, send me an email!
I have also had the opportunity to work on a few fun projects in arithmetic dynamics, algebraic geometry, and a biologically inspired project involving permutation groups and game theory.
Lattices in number theory: some projects dedicated to lattices in number theory. Focus (so far) on integral and multiplicative (unit) lattices and their distributions.
Unit shapes of $D_p$ number fields
(with Rob Harron)
(in preparation)
Shapes of sextic fields and log-terms in Malle's conjecture
(with Rob Harron and Ila Varma)
(in progress)
- Other
Adelic perturbation of rational functions and applications with Félix Baril Boudreau and Khoa Nguyen. (Submitted)
On the shapes of pure prime degree number fields (Submitted)
(Extends the equidistribution results of my dissertation to all prime degree fields)
- (Dissertation)
Shapes of pure prime degree number fields.
ProQuest Dissertations Publishing, 2021. 28718070.
Sorting permutations: Games, Genomes and Cycles
K.L.M. Adamyk,
G. Mayfield,
D.J. Moritz,
M. Scheepers,
B.E. Tenner and
H.C. Wauck)
Discrete Mathematics, Algorithms and Applications 9:5 (2017), 1750063 (31 pp)
Maximum Waring ranks of monomials
Paul Plummer,
Jeremy Siegert,
Zach Teitler)
Comm. Alg. 44 (2016), no. 10, 4212--4219
Other writing